XRR Visions 2018

Competition open to PAGB affiliated Clubs

We have received the following from XRR regarding their Visions 2018 competition:

VISIONS is a unique projected image competition for individual members of PAGB affiliated clubs. Clubs can also compete for the club trophy by nominating three entrants to represent them (please note that the selection of images should be made by the individual entrants).

The closing date for entries is Wednesday, 24th October, and the final live judging for Visions will be on Wednesday, 21st November at the Stanborough Centre. Judging all entries this year will be Paul Radden LRPS DPAGB EFIAP PSA2* of the East Anglian Federation.


BJP International Photography Award open for entries.

BJP International Photography Award

Running for over a decade, 1854 Media publisher of British Journal of Photography created BJP International Photography Award to find the best in contemporary photographic talent.

British Journal of Photography and the judging panel, comprised of key industry leaders, aim to award and promote a body of work that has a distinct narrative, and feature images from a compelling project on any topic. The chosen photographer will then be awarded with a solo show in the renowned contemporary art gallery TJ Boulting, based in Fitzrovia, London UK.

Details here: http://www.bjpipa.com/

BJP awards.JPG

Shaun Hodge Triumphs at the Ron Wake Final

Shaun Hodge made it a superb start to the new season of external competitions by winning the Ron Wake Memorial Trophy with his print Going Gaga.  

The final, which took place in a packed Harrow Camera Club, was judged by Gerald Kitiyakara, LRPS.

Shaun is currently travelling so the trophy was collected on his behalf by Amanda Wright.

Amanda Wright collects the Ron Wake Trophy on behalf of Shaun Hodge

Amanda Wright collects the Ron Wake Trophy on behalf of Shaun Hodge

Summer Season ends in Style

The final event of a highly successful EHHPS Summer Season came to a fabulous and fitting conclusion with a BBQ in the sunshine superbly hosted by John Clare and Maxine, with the added bonus of the presentation of trophies to the winners of last season's monthly aggregate competitions.

The full list of winners was published here.

A huge thank you to John and Maxine and congratulations to all of the winners.


British Life PhotographyAwards

The 2018 competition is open for entries. Great shots for inspiration from last year's winners gallery! 

Founded in 2014, BLPA recognises and showcases the work of established and emerging photographers, both professional and amateur of all ages, while also highlighting the relevance and importance of photography to raise awareness and inform.

The awards are a unique visual celebration of British life, in all its richness and diversity, creating an enduring visual record of the spirit and essence of our nation and its people at work, play and in the community.


BLPA winners.JPG

AGM 2018: Monthly Aggregate Competition Winners Announced

More awards than ever this year as we added the 'Portrait' category to 'Set Subject' and 'Open' for both Projected and Print competitions:

Projected Competition

Set Subject
First: Kristin Mason
Second = Emmanuel
Second = Paul Mason

First: Ania Taylor
Second: Rick Beresford
Third = Shaun Hodge
Third = Barbara Dorrell

First: Kristin Mason
Second: Martin Creedy
Third: Paul Mason

Print Competition

Set Subject
First: Paul Mason
Second: Ania Taylor
Third: Shaun Hodge

First = Ania Taylor
First = Shaun Hodge
Third: Amanda Wright

First: Shaun Hodge
Second: Paul Mason
Third: Kristin Mason

AGM 2018: Switch Trophy Winner Announced

After the AGM on 7 June, the winner of the Switch Trophy was announced.

This trophy is awarded to someone outside of the committee for special service to the Club, the recipient being decided by the previous three winers.

This year's winner is Rajan Adhikari.  Rajan, who has already made his mark on EHHPS by throwing himself into club activities, and winning this year's Panel of Prints competition was given the award for his ever present willingness to help in any way possible.  

Raj with incoming President Phil Dean.  Image credit: Nigel

Raj with incoming President Phil Dean.  
Image credit: Nigel

AGM 2018: New Committee Elected

The EHHPS AGM took place on June 7.  As is usual the existing committee stood down.  The majority put themselves forward for re-election, with two exceptions:

Paul Mason stood down as President at the end of his three year term.  Phil Dean was elected as the new President.

Karen Helle stood down as Secretary. As no-one put themselves forward there is currently a vacancy for this key position.

The new committee therefore comprises:

President: Philip Dean
Secretary: Vacancy
Treasurer: Dennis Durack
Competition Secretary: Emmanuel Papadopoulos
Portfolio Secretary (External Competitions): Amanda Wright
Programme Secretary: Kristin Mason
Membership Secretary: Dennis Durack
Publicity Secretary: Paul Mason
Exhibitions Secretary: Jane Arnold-Forster
Webmaster: Burgess Taylor

(Click on post title to email)

You may use this group address to email the whole committee
 [Amended 2019-03-10 to show Dennis Durack as membership Secretary, replacing Philip Dean)